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Draw line graphs with AchartEngine in Android

AchartEngine provides an easy way of drawing both line and bar graphs in android platform. In here I describe drawing line graphs. 

First need to add AchartEngine jar file to your android project. You can download it from here.
If it is maven based project you can add the dependency and all details are in here.
After you download the jar, add it into the libs folder and right click on the jar and Select Build the path as Figure 1 follows.

Figure 1 - Configure Build Path

If it is a maven based project, simply you have to build the project, will be downloaded the jar file to your project.

Figure 2 - Graph class
In above java class, you can refer easily to understand AchartEngine line graphs implementation. In here, used two pre-defined arrays as X and Y. 

Then add those values to TimeSeries which is names as “Line1” 
Then you need to add this TimeSeries to XYMultipleSeriesDataset, then that dataset should add to the XYSeriesRender

That renderer is responsible to draw the graph. So it contains features to customize the graph like setColor, setPointStyle etc. 
So you need add that renderer to XYMultipleSeriesRenderer. Like that you can add so many graphs(renderers) to XYMultipleSeriesRenderer. It defines a graph uniquely. 
So it contains several features to customize each graph uniquely. It has setChartTitle, setYTitle, setXTitle etc. 
Then you need to add XYMultipleSeriesRenderer to the Intent through ChartFactory which is a pre-defined class in AchartEngine.

You have to add an Activity called Graphical Activity in AchartEngine to the Manifest as well.

Figure 3 - Android Manifest

That’s what you all have to do then you can call the DrawGraph intent.
Figure 4 - Start the activity
 If you follow these steps properly, you will see the graph and here is the screenshot for above graph.

Figure 5 - Screen shot of the graph
You can get this full code from here. It also contains a code to draw a dynamic line graph. You can also refer on that too. Hope you enjoy this.


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