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Setting environment variables in ubuntu

Ubuntu has a nice way to configure most of the important softwares(java,sbt,scala,....etc) without installing through ubuntu software centre- sudo apt-get install …....

You only have to do is, download that files folder and put it that folder wherever you like and set environment variables. That's all. 

Java Configuration 

Go to this url 


Move that file where you want to store. 
In here I've created a directory named 'hms' in my home folder and in hms there is a directory called 'installs' (path = /home/shashika/hms/installs ) 

Then go to your directory and extract the jdk-7u45-linux-x64.tar.gz file
Then you can see the extracted file

Now the important part. That is set the jdk/bin path in bashrc file which is in your home folder. 
If you can see it in your home folder press ctrl-h then you can see those hidden files in ubuntu
Open bashrc file using vi editer Then you will see your bashrc file. 
Important :- Makesure to not to change anything in this file 

Go to the end of the bashrc file and append following lines and save it.
Then you need to set new configurations in bashrc.
Now check java configuration with typing java -version 
Then java configuration has succeed in your machine.

You can use the same scenario for any other software configurations. 
