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Redirect non-www URLs to www

In web hosting, this would be a challenge for beginners and even for experts. We might feel this can be achieved through CNAME records. Though we can achieve this with a conditional rule in .htaccess file. RewriteEngine On RewriteCond % { HTTP_HOST } ^ yourdomain . com [ NC ] RewriteRule ^ ( . * ) $ http : //$1 [L,R=301] Where is your actual domain name. 
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IbirdsPro – Identify birds in Sri Lanka via their colours

This application for nature lovers especially who interested in birds. This is recommended for anyone to improve the knowledge about birds even for beginners. Users can use this application in anywhere because this application doesn’t need any internet connection. This is the upgraded version of the application - Ibirds which is capable to identify forest birds in Sri Lanka. There are more enhanced features in the application. 3 detailed sketches with including 8 parts. (bill, head, face, neck, feathers, breast, tail, legs) High efficient colour matching algorithm Optimized for both android phones and tablets. Contain a large database about the birds. This is the list of birds containing in three sections in IBirdsPro 1.0 version. Section 1     Crimson-fronted Barbet Brown-headed Barbet Yellow-fronted Barbet Brown-capped Woodpacker Yellow-crowned Woodpecker Lesser Yellownape Streak-throated Woodpecker Rufous Woodpecker Black-rumped Flameback Great...

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Draw line graphs with AchartEngine in Android

AchartEngine provides an easy way of drawing both line and bar graphs in android platform. In here I describe drawing line graphs.  First need to add AchartEngine jar file to your android project. You can download it from here . If it is maven based project you can add the dependency and all details are in here . After you download the jar, add it into the libs folder and right click on the jar and Select Build the path as Figure 1 follows. Figure 1 - Configure Build Path If it is a maven based project, simply you have to build the project, will be downloaded the jar file to your project. Figure 2 - Graph class In above java class, you can refer easily to understand AchartEngine line graphs implementation. In here, used two pre-defined arrays as X and Y.  Then add those values to TimeSeries which is names as “Line1”   Then you need to add this TimeSeries to XYMultipleSeriesDatase t, then that dataset should add to the XYSeriesRender ....

Install Mongodb using binaries in linux

Mongodb is open source, no sql database which widely use in modern applications. You can go through official mongodb site for more details. First we need to download the suitable(32-bit or 64-bit) tgz file through this link Then put that tgz file where you need (Note :- I put that file in 'installs' directory in Home directory) Extract the tar file Then we can see there is only one directory which called 'bin' inside the extracted mongodb directory. Now we need to create additional four directories which called conf , data , pid and logs . Then we need to add a mongodb configuration file to conf directory which called mongo_default.conf Here is my file. You have to set paths in the file according to your configurations.  If the configuration file is configured correctly, now you can start mongo server explicitly and access mongo database. First we need to go the the mongodb bin directory. Start mongo server with...

Spatial Data Processing Library for Stratosphere

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Setting environment variables in ubuntu

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